Returning from West Africa to Fifteenth Street/Accordion Book
<P ALIGN="LEFT">7 x 5 inches
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<P ALIGN="LEFT">This elegant one-of-a kind codex bound in Moose hide uses type and scanned images to create a visual text that mirrors and enhances the written text. White-out, written by a well-known western writer Gary Holthaus, explores the relationship between light and shadow in human experience, using Moose hunting and driving an Alaskan white-out as metaphor.
<P ALIGN="LEFT">White Out
<P ALIGN="LEFT">Artist book
7.5 x 6.5 inches
<P ALIGN="LEFT">Collaborator
<BR>Gary Holthaus, author
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<P ALIGN="LEFT">This accordian book--output on handmade washi & enhanced with Prismacolor & Color Tag-- is 51" long when open and viewed as a continuous field. Although the book can be read as a codex (see slides) it should be displayed open. The image and typography serve to create a visual text as complement & in tandem with the written text (poem by artist).
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